Pray NOW – August 2023
Thank you for continuing to pray for Dallas Christian College! God has been moving in some amazing ways at Dallas Christian College, and your prayers are making a difference! Please take a moment and read how God has answered your prayers and give Him praise! NOW, more than ever, we need to be people of prayer. Thank you for interceding and praying for the exciting opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.
We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. (1 Thessalonians 1:2 NIV)

You Prayed…God Answered!
Praise God for the generosity of our ministry partners! God’s hand of provision has been evident as we seek to provide more scholarships for our students and expand our facilities. We have currently raised nearly $1.7 million toward our $5 million NOW Campaign goal!
Praise God for leading us to the right people to fill critical staff and coaching positions! We are also praising God for the approval of our new degree programs: a Master of Transformative Ministry and undergraduate degrees in Criminal Justice and Sports Science!
NOW CAMPAIGN - Worley Student Life Center
Praise God for the open doors of opportunity as we move forward with the NOW Capital Campaign, including the planned Worley Student Life Center!
NOW is the time to pray.
Pray for our Enrollment Management team as they have conversations and interactions with prospective students who are making decisions about their education plans for the Fall terms. Pray that God would move in the lives of the students that need to be here at DCC, especially during these last critical weeks leading up to New Student Orientation (August 19-22).
The NOW Campaign continues to move forward with plans for increased scholarships and facilities improvements. Pray that God would open doors to those ministry partners who have a passion for the mission of Dallas Christian College and a desire to invest in the lives of our students. Pray for wisdom and guidance regarding our NOW Capital Campaign and our scholarship and facilities initiatives.
Continue to pray for wisdom and clear direction as President Smith and the DCC Cabinet consider future financial decisions as part of the NOW Capital Campaign. Pray for guidance on the timing for the Worley Student Life Center renovations. Pray for wisdom and discernment regarding several key personnel decisions that need to be made in the coming months.