Pray NOW – November 2023
Thank you for continuing to interceded on behalf of Dallas Christian College! Your prayers are making a difference as more students are being educated and mentored for Kingdom work. You can read below how God has answered your prayers and give Him praise! NOW, more than ever, we need to be people of prayer.
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. (Matthew 21:22 NIV)

You Prayed…God Answered!
FAll Crusader Preview Day
Praise God for the more than 100 prospective students who attended our Fall Crusader Preview Day on October 12 along with their parents and other guests. Pray that God will guide these students to the decision that He wants for them. Pray for DCC’s Enrollment Management team as they guide these prospective students through that process.
Houston Area Alumni Event
Praise God for the Houston Area Alumni Gathering that took place on October 20-21, 2023 at Crossbridge Christian Church! We are grateful for the alumni, relatives and friends who attended the event and for the opportunity to honor nine alumni from the area with the Distinguished Alumni Award.
NOW is the time to pray.
spiritual growth and retention
Pray for the current students who have been challenged by this year’s Student Development Theme: Belong, Believe, Become. These students have been challenged to find community here at DCC while growing in their Christian beliefs and becoming mature disciples of Jesus Christ.
Pray for those students who have a desire to be here at DCC but are struggling financially, academically and/or spiritually.
NOW CAPITAL CAMPAIGN-worley student life center
The NOW Campaign continues to move forward with plans for increased scholarships and facilities initiatives, including the Worley Student Life Center. Pray that God would open doors to those ministry partners who have a passion for the mission of Dallas Christian College and a desire to invest in the lives of our students. Pray for wisdom and guidance regarding our NOW Capital Campaign as well as our scholarship and facility plans.
Pray for the students, faculty, and staff who will be attending the International Conference on Missions (ICOM) in Oklahoma City, November 16-18. President Brian Smith has been passionate about creating opportunities for transformational growth and encounters that will result in a new outlook toward global missions and the Great Commission. Pray that the ICOM experience will be just that for all our students and staff.
Continue to pray for wisdom and clear direction as President Smith and the DCC Cabinet consider future financial decisions as part of the NOW Capital Campaign. Pray for guidance on the timing for the Worley Student Life Center renovations. Pray for wisdom and discernment regarding several key personnel decisions that need to be made in the coming months.